Own the horizon
Skyframe is our panoramic collection of large format D96 roadside billboards. When you want to really stand out against the competition, our network of Skyframe D96 billboards create major impact across huge audiences. Placed on arterial roads leading to the UK’s top cities, they are double the size of D48 screens, and the ultimate landscape OOH format.
3.7 million impressions across the Skyframe network per fortnight
Ultra-thin screens for improved efficiency and aesthetic
Long viewing distance of minimum 500 metres
Extra wide horizontal viewing angle of 140 degrees
Boost yourcampaigns
Make a statement
Perfect for brands
Skyframe locations
Pershore Road, A441
Warwick Road, A41
Cowbridge Road East, A4161
Scotland, Greenock
Port Glasgow Road, A8, Eastbound
Scotland, Greenock
Port Glasgow Road, A8, Westbound
Scotland, Harthill
Monopole, M8, Eastbound
Scotland, Harthill
Monopole, M8, Westbound
Junction 5, M621, Westbound
Western Avenue, A40
Western Avenue, A40, Westbound
Broad Street, A6
Liverpool Road, A57, Westbound
West Midlands, Tipton
Great Western Way, A461